Whats the Welsh Government 2025 target?
Welsh Government targets state that all new home development should run on renewable heat and energy sources by 2025. This would make homes more energy efficient and cheaper to run! Source
Is it free to use?
Yes it is! We set up Nuable as a Community Interest Company, that means we exist to primarily benefit the community rather than to create profit for stakeholders. We think access to information on renewable heat and energy should be free, so it is.
How do I find more information about installing equipment?
With your scores ready, head over to our suppliers page where you will find a list of trusted trade associations. We advise you to shop around to get a few estimates before settling on the right person. On the other hand, if you’ve already had a positive experience with a renewable energy installation service that you would recommend, please share! We’re all friends here.
How have you determined the 1-5 score?
Starting with Wales, we’ve built a handy guide that measures a tonne of geographical data relating to the four key renewable energy sources: solar, wind, hydro and ground source heat. While data on solar, wind and hydro potential was readily available, it was apparent to us that there was a big data gap in terms of geothermal generation potential – and this needed to be plugged. We did this by sending our genius at BGS up and down the country in a data collection and mapping exercise.
From there, the data layers are combined into a single layer for each subject. That’s translated as a score of 1-5, with 5 showing the greatest potential.