A guide to UK Mini Hydro developments by British Power Association
This Guide is designed to assist anyone in the UK who is planning to develop a small-scale
hydro-electric scheme. It has been prepared by the British Hydropower Association in order to
support and encourage new developments in this sector.
The term used in this Guide will be “Mini-hydro”, which can apply to sites ranging from a few
kilowatts to electrifying a single home, to hundreds of kilowatts for selling into the National
The Guide will explain:
• The basic concept of generating power from water
• The purpose of different components of a scheme
• The principle steps in developing a project
• The technology involved
• Where to go for help
‘Big isn’t necessary. We have been using mini hydro systems since the dawn of time. Perhaps our ancestors had something there, and we can put a 21st century spin on it!’ Nuable